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People Focused Body Corporate

We are Body Corporate Managers with a commitment to you, the Owners - focused on looking after the little things so you don’t have to.

Ever wondered what a good Body Corporate Manager does?  In a nutshell, they bring the Owners together for the benefit of their shared building investment.  They ensure the Body Corporate rules and regulations are understood by all Owners, they arrange ongoing care and maintenance and they ensure the common funds are sufficient to meet ongoing requirements to keep their building in good repair.

EDUCATE, EMPOWER, ASSIST – that’s the motto we live by.  With Body Corporate management experience from 2007, we know that educated and empowered Owners work well together and maximise their shared investment.  Being there to assist in this process is what we love. 

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Our Strata Services



Ensure Body Corporate rules and regulations are well understood and adhered to by all owners.

Co-Ordinate Maintenance

Co-Ordinate Maintenance

Implement and manage a regular maintenance schedule to keep your building in good repair.

Guidance for Builders

Guidance for Builders

Body Corporate Management specialists for your new building development - start now.


Are you unhappy with your Body Corporate Manager?

Start by talking to your Body Corporate Manager about the issue you have.  Maybe they aren’t aware – communication opens up the channels to reach a satisfactory outcome.  See what solutions they can offer.

Next step is to talk to the other Owners – do they have the same concerns?  It is always good to see the same issue from different perspectives.  It allows for alternate solutions to be considered.

Still unhappy?  Give us a call on 03 9800 1029.  We are always happy to discuss your circumstances and bring an experienced viewpoint.